Monday, February 25, 2013

Looking At You With My Vamp Eyes

Our own family member Marx Alvord, owner of Roosters and Chix, was inspired to make some amazing vampires eyes!  And the proceeds are donated to the OuTRage Clan.  So buying a pair...or two..or three is a good for you and you are also helping your family.

Now I have a things for eyes in SL and I am pretty particular about the eyes I wear.  But there was a set in the vendor that immediately caught my attention, the Heavens eyes.  So I bought them and fell in love!  The pupils are large which in my opinion give a innocent yet sexy and kind of wild look.  You are not sure if I am going to hug you are sink my teeth in to your neck.

And thanks to Marx generosity I was able to try on all the eyes and they are all fabulous!  I will be wearing these when I vamp out and when not.  I highly suggest you get a pair.  You won't regret it.

Have a look for yourself....

You can find these beautiful eyes in the basement of the castle or at the mainstore.

SLURL OuTRage Castle:

SLURL Roosters and Chix Mainstore:

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