Monday, February 11, 2013

It Was A Lycan Kind of Weekend

I love it when there are Lycans on the clan lands.  They are so big, scary, hot, and kind of cute.  Makes me want to scratch them behind the ears....but I am not trying to get the new nickname of Stumpy. :)

First I ran into Simon and he has one awesome Lycan avatar.

Jerica turned lycan on Sunday and I was so glad I arrived at the castle by chance that day.  Wolf, Jerica, Nim and myself went on a field trip so Jerica could get her new Lycan avatar.

...and she found it!



I think she is looking directly at you.  You scared?

From Wolf's reaction I would say he is pleased. ;)

This is so intimidating!

Of course the day had to end with a game of Greedy.  Wolf cheats!


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