Monday, February 25, 2013

Looking At You With My Vamp Eyes

Our own family member Marx Alvord, owner of Roosters and Chix, was inspired to make some amazing vampires eyes!  And the proceeds are donated to the OuTRage Clan.  So buying a pair...or two..or three is a good for you and you are also helping your family.

Now I have a things for eyes in SL and I am pretty particular about the eyes I wear.  But there was a set in the vendor that immediately caught my attention, the Heavens eyes.  So I bought them and fell in love!  The pupils are large which in my opinion give a innocent yet sexy and kind of wild look.  You are not sure if I am going to hug you are sink my teeth in to your neck.

And thanks to Marx generosity I was able to try on all the eyes and they are all fabulous!  I will be wearing these when I vamp out and when not.  I highly suggest you get a pair.  You won't regret it.

Have a look for yourself....

You can find these beautiful eyes in the basement of the castle or at the mainstore.

SLURL OuTRage Castle:

SLURL Roosters and Chix Mainstore:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The OuTRage Club Circus Freaks and Fun Event

Come one, come all to the greatest show on earth, the Outrage Club's Circus Freaks and Fun party!  Get dressed in your most coloful or dark freak or fun circus charactor.  Join us at the club for awesome metal and classic rock tunes spun by DJ Cody.  And at the end of the evening there will be a cash prize for the best dressed.
Tonight! 6:00PM - 8:00PM SLT

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The OuTRage Club's Valentine's Day Party Tonight

Thursday, February 14th, 6:00PM - 8:00PM SLT

Whether you are a fan of Valentine's Day or not, Valentine's is a day to be with friends and lovers.  And the place to be with them is the OuTRage Club!  The best dressed person in red will win a cash prize at the end of the event too. But wait!  There is more!  You can enter a raffle to win a special edition motorcycle from Wolfbane Blackheart of Wolf Customs!

And last but from from least, DJ Cody will be spinning hot metal and classic rock just for you.


Monday, February 11, 2013

It Was A Lycan Kind of Weekend

I love it when there are Lycans on the clan lands.  They are so big, scary, hot, and kind of cute.  Makes me want to scratch them behind the ears....but I am not trying to get the new nickname of Stumpy. :)

First I ran into Simon and he has one awesome Lycan avatar.

Jerica turned lycan on Sunday and I was so glad I arrived at the castle by chance that day.  Wolf, Jerica, Nim and myself went on a field trip so Jerica could get her new Lycan avatar.

...and she found it!



I think she is looking directly at you.  You scared?

From Wolf's reaction I would say he is pleased. ;)

This is so intimidating!

Of course the day had to end with a game of Greedy.  Wolf cheats!


Sunday, February 10, 2013

New To The Family And/Or Bloodlines?

Family member Cixsyn Resident has kindly offered to help those of the clan that are new and need some basic help with the Bloodlines hunds and clan etiquette.  There is a contact board in the vendor room of the castle (bottom floor) that you can use to contact her and leave messages.